Advancing Integral Heritage Management
Second PUP Member Webinar
As the PUP Consortium designs its new Action Learning Network for Integral practitioners to help communities protect and manage their natural and cultural heritage, it seeks models from which to learn. The Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center has been operating for over 20 years and was covered in PUP's book The Future Has Other Plans (read box from book here). David Christenson was the founding assistant manager. Mr. Christenson will be discussing the Lessons Learned Center and how its experience might inform PUP's new Action Learning Network.
This is the second PUP Membership Webinar (the first was by Jim Barborak last year).
David Christenson
David is the founder and CEO of a consultancy group primarily doing business as O4R: Organizing For Resilience, after he retired from his position as Assistant Center Manager of the interagency Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center (LLC). David helped to design, build, manage and lead the LLC from 2001 through 2014. He focused on creating a widely used knowledge management system as he helped create a new Learning Center with his nation’s 300,000-member wildland fire community.
David completed the Master of Science degree in Human Factors and Systems Safety at Lund University, Sweden in 2012. He was a researcher in the Leonardo da Vinci Laboratory for Complexity and Systems Thinking under the guidance of Professor Sidney Dekker. David previously completed the Master of Arts in Applied Geography, after a Bachelor of Science undergrad degree in Regional & City Planning, at New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico, in 2000.
David and Tanya Christenson reside in Oro Valley, Arizona where he enjoys creating landscape artwork with acrylic paints.
Webinar Format
For this webinar, the Learning Network Action Team will introduce by presenting PUP's current thinking about the LN. Then we will have three rounds each of which attends a particular question. For each round, Mr. Christenson will present for 15 minutes followed by a five-minute discussion. The webinar will conclude with a 15-minute to discuss Next Steps.
For more information, please contact Jon Kohl,
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© PUP Collaboratory 2025