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Advancing Integral Heritage Management

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Camacho, Marianela (2017). Cartografía participativa y propuestas para el desarrollo local sostenible de las comunidades indígenas del Valle de Kamarata. Parque Nacional Canaima – Venezuela. Universitat Rovira I Virgili. Departmento de Geografia.

Jiménez, Antonieta.  (2017). Compartiendo el tesoro: Metodología para divulgar la arqueología. El Colegio de Michoacán.

Kohl, Jon. (2017). Effective interpretive planning: More than just answering technical questionsLegacy. 34-35. March.

Kohl, Jon. (2017). La planificación interpretativa efectiva: Más que solo contestar preguntas técnicasBoletín de Interpretación. 36: 9-11. Semptiembre.

Kohl, Jon. (2017). Beyond the interpreter’s words: Experiences erupt from the visitor’s entire contextLegacy. 28(1): 6-9. January.

Kohl, Jon. (2017). Nature and cultural heritage are one and the same. Interpretation Europe Newsletter. 1(5). January.

Miller, Zachary; Fefer, Jessica; Kraja, Arben; Lash,Benjamin; Freimund, Wayne. (2017). Perspectives on visitor use management in the national parksThe George Wright Forum 34(1): 37-44.

Mosco, Alejandra. (2017). Estrategia interpretativa aplicada en la curaduría de exposiciones, en: Patrimonio tangible e intangible Mexicano: Una reflexión, British Archaeological Reports, International Series Oxford. 71-77

Mullis, B. (2017). Advancing Tajikistan's Tourism Industry. U.S. Department of State. October.

Mullis, B. (2017). The growth paradox: Can tourism ever be sustainable? World Economic Forum

Valenzuela, Francisco. (2017). The Future Has Other Plans: Planning Holistically to Conserve Nature and Cultural Heritage. [Review of the book The Future Has Other Plans, by J. Kohl & S. McCool]. Fulcrum Publishing. July.

Weiler, Betty. 2017.  The Future has Other Plans: Planning Holistically to Conserve Natural and Cultural Heritage. [Review of the book The Future Has Other Plan, by J. Kohl & S. McCool]. Journal of Policy Research in Tourism Leisure and Events 9(2):103.

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